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Friday, March 14, 2008

CHRIS ROCK isn't funny at all on a 31-minute tape of a phone call he had in August 2001 with disgraced private eye Anthony Pellicano, who was helping the comic fight a bogus rape charge.

"Once you're accused of rape, you're just [bleep]ed, you know?" a stressed-out Rock tells the detective. An angry Pellicano replies: "That's why I want to blacken this girl up, totally. I want to make her out to be a lying, scumbag, manipulative [bleep]sucker . . . stupid [bleep]." Rock agrees, telling Pellicano, "I'm [bleep]ed. I'm better getting caught with needles in my arm. Way better. Needles, with pictures. There's Chris Rock shooting heroin. Much better blow to the career."