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Wednesday, March 26, 2008


Syesha Mercado & Alicia Keys

"She really sings from her heart and from her soul," says Mercado. "And she really tells a story when she's onstage. She is really able to connect to whoever she's singing to ... As an artist, I want to do that every time I'm onstage."

Chikezie & Stevie Wonder

"The first popular artist I fell in love with was Stevie Wonder," Chikezie says. "I was so impressed with the imagery that he used in his music. It was so crazy with not just the lyrics, but the music itself paints a picture and that always impressed me and it's something that I take along with me."

Ramiele Malubay & Aretha Franklin

"If I was ever put next to Aretha I'd probably bug out," Malubay says.