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Tuesday, March 25, 2008

So once again MARIO leads tha males on this season's Dancing With The Stars. And I must say, his quick step was pretty good. And I'm happy for him, you can tell he's enjoying what will inevitably introduce him to a, shall we say, (clears throat) "difference audience."

So it's because of that, that I can excuse the cheesy outfits, the awful song covers (why can't they just play the actual record?) and even the over-the-top judge (you know the one I'm talking about). But DAMMIT! If they call that boy "Mey-rio" ONE MORE TIME! The boy's name is MAR-io. And how come they knew how to pronounce Mario Lopez's name right last season? I'm just saying. But check out ya boy anyway!

When partners Mario and Karina were asked about doing a “Tonsil-Tango” at an Oscar party last month, Smirnoff leapt in and joked to her new Mario, “I told you to keep it on the ‘DL’. Dude! … By the end of the show, I will be pregnant with Mario’s baby!” Despite their denials, Mario can’t seem to help but flirt. “I love this woman! I love her personality! I’ve grown to love the person that she is, and you should feel that way about your partner!” he said. Smirnoff — who’s been dating former partner Mario Lopez –pushed the R&B star back with a playful shove, saying, “Is that all it is?”