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Tuesday, April 15, 2008


ALICIA called into Ryan Seacrest's morning show today to clear the air about the comments she made to Blender Magazine.

Overall, she thought the Blender article was great, but she is disappointed that the mag decided to put a 'negative spin' on her comments.

Alicia thinks she was misconstrued in the article and she's like us to know….

- That she's a very positive person.
- Her only aim is to uplift people and spread love.
- She's not a conspiracy theorist.
- The government didn't create gangsta rap, just the term. And, she thinks they could have done more at the time to do something about the problems the rappers were talking about.
- She doesnt know who killed Biggie and 2pac, but she thinks the media sensationalized their deaths and their rivalry.



Eighty's Baby Apparel said...

Sounds like a backtrack to me. lol

Jay Midnyte said...

WTF is so bad about what she said??? I give her more respect for actually saying it... everybody wants these stars to have no comments on anything going on in the world...