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Monday, April 7, 2008

Controvesry is surrounding a new T-shirt from, that pictures a black and white vault, opened to reveal a single card, with a handwritten message saying, "I was raped."

While the some cry that the shirt is unapologeticaly graphic and exposes their children to too much of life's ugliness, others are applauding and the makers can't produce the shirts fast enough.

On the makers website, they had this to say:

Why wear a shirt that says “I Was Raped”?

Because wearing it lets others know that they aren’t alone.
Because wearing it invites conversation about a silenced experience that so many women and men share.
Because rape is a crime that someone did to you, against your will.
Because, as Maya Angelou says, “I can be changed by what happens to me, but I refuse to be reduced by it.”
Because you shouldn’t be ashamed that you were raped; the perpetrator should be ashamed.
Because being public shatters the very silence that enables rape to be so common.
Because naming what has happened is the first step toward changing the reality of rape.
Because legal redress is rarely served, so it’s crucial to find our own justice and acknowledgment.
~ Jennifer Baumgardner, “I Was Raped” project, 2008

To learn more about this thought provoking controversy CLICK HERE

And to watch CNN's piece on it, CLICK HERE