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Monday, April 14, 2008


In an recent interview with MTV News, Fabolous revealed that he will be using a live band so that his performances can evolve? WTF?! Below is a direct quote"

"I thought it was something that needed to be done," he explained at SIR studios in Manhattan. (Coincidently, Missy Elliott was in the room across the hall, rehearsing for her upcoming tour with Busta Rhymes.) "I got a taste of [being backed by a band] when I did this [show] called 'Stripped.' I got a little bit of feel of it. I thought it was a dope thing to do. I even seen it previously on '[MTV's] Unplugged.' With certain artists coming up and doing their joints with a band behind them, I always wanted to do it, but I was waiting for the right experience. This tour came up. It's a college tour, and it's with another band, a pop act. They definitely will be using a band, so I thought it was a good time to bring it out."

Well actually the "Rap with a live band" credit goes to LL...But still.