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Sunday, April 13, 2008

The former TLC star gave a recent interview to blogger Necole Bitchie where she was all too happy to talk about Usher and Marlon - both of whom are in happy monogamous relationships (Usher with wife Tameka Foster and Marlon with the mother of his two children Angelica Zackary):

Here's what Chilli said about Marlon Wayans:

This is gonna be big of me to say this. I have never ever said this in my whole life. Ever. But yeah, I did let one good guy get away and that was Marlon Wayans. Oh Wow! See no one knew!

And it’s funny because I met Marlon when I was 20, when I had just got in TLC and you remember that movie “Mo Money”? I remember we were on tour with Hammer and we had went to the movies and I saw him in that movie. I was like “Oh My God he is soooo cute!!!” So we went out that night and I ended up seeing him that night. And I met him for the first time and we just clicked instantly.

Girl, he is the funniest man in the world. And the thing that was so wonderful about him is that we were friends but he really did love me. Like if I had to look back and say “who really loved and adored me” it was him.

And so my dumb butt, I can really put this on me now. I was caught up in the “bad guy” and how it’s just this challenge. I like to call them projects. We think we can just fix and tweak but as you get older you become a lot smarter and realize people are who they are. They don’t change. And the older they get the more they become that true person so little things that you didn’t see early on, you really are gonna see it later. But ya know, we are friends even til this day. He has two kids with his girl and all that but I’m like maaaaaaaaaaaannn. So he’s the one I let get away.

Here's what Chilli said about dating Usher:

I will say this and I know it’s gonna be everywhere. Lord, Tameka gonna be trying to fight people. But honestly I will say, although Marlon [Wayans] is the one that got away, Usher is the one that I truly did love.

Like that was truly my first adult love. I love him very much and I will always love him. I don’t know how you love someone that deeply and just stop loving them. I’m not in love with him anymore but I can’t say that I don’t love him anymore. And of course I do want him to be happy and all but me and him had what I never had in any of my other relationships, and that was chemistry. Even in that picture that you have up. Any picture that you see with the two of us, you see it. It’s just there! I could be standing next to him till this day and people will be like “Wow”.

It’s not that you are wondering if we are back together again, it’s just that we look like we just go together.
Ummm...ok. Talk about putting your business out there.