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Thursday, April 3, 2008


Most of you, myself included, weren't even alive on April 4, 1968. But those who were, knew if nothing else, the world had shifted. The Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., was assassinated, on a balcony in Tennessee; the impact of which would not be fully known for generations later.

We at FSL like to have fun. We laugh, joke, talk about folks and shoot the crap everyday, all in an effort to bring you the news from the world of 'Colored Entertainment'.

But for us, we would be not only irresponsible but completely disrespectful should we not take a moment and honor the man that gave his life, so that WE could do what we do, here, everyday.

At some point, throughout your travels tomorrow, take a moment to ask yourself, “Am I honoring his legacy?” Be honest with yourself about the answer. Then set out to change the world, starting with yourself.

Thank you.