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Monday, April 14, 2008

So finally it becomes clear why on Earth R. Kelly released the now infamous "Golden Kellz" pic. His new song HAIR BRAIDER leaked this weekend. It's off his upcoming release. Even though Double Up JUST release like three weeks ago. But I guess dude is stacking the deck in case his whole legal situation doesn't work in his favor.

But anywhoo, back to the song...So imagine if Kellz hooked up with The Dream and T-Pain and talked about his favorite and apparently ONLY subject, sex. You'd have Hair Braider.

The problem with Kelly is that he's been so wildly out the box (Sex In The Kitchen?) the irreverant odes to ass-smacking HAVE become the norm for him. And REALLY, how many different ways can you talk about sex? Good question. So check out Hair Braider below and then take a Sexual Tour through the discography of the R.



Sex In The Kitchen

Like A Real Freak

You Remind Me Of My Jeep

Your Body's Callin'