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Tuesday, April 8, 2008

I'm not sure WHY there's this "did they or didn't they?" fascination with the "secret" marriage of Jay & Beyonce...I mean when you think about it, why SHOULD they have to issue a confirmation. What's entertainment to you is a very serious, life-long committment to them. So WHY TMZ thought that Jay accepting a "congratulations" is such breaking news is beyond me...BUT there is something very interesting in the video. WATCH THE VIDEO HERE

If you look carefully Shawn Corey Carter is carrying a MURSE.

That's right: The elusive MURSE, a man-purse nee The Man Bag

This phenomenon, recently openly championed by The Louis Vuitton Don himself, YE WEST

has actually been around for some time now. In fact LV's own Marc Jacobs once said, "The idea that using a beautiful bag to carry around various items is strictly reserved for women, is absurd."

and I must say, I agree. There's nothing tackier than bulging pockets on a man and let's be honest ladies, we do like our men well-groomed, right?

BUT the important thing to remember here fellas about "The Murse" is that you can't just rock any-old bag.

For men, size is key...Stay away from anything too dainty, like clutches, light shoulder bags or anything that fits nicely in the crease of your arm. The genral rule of thumb should be: Will your girl want to rock it? And if the answer is "yes" then please, for the love of God, put it back.