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Thursday, May 8, 2008

With Mother's Day on Sunday we thought it might be nice to take a look back at some of our favorite TV moms. Since most of us were raised on the damn thing anyway.

5. HARRIETTE WINSLOW (Family Matters 1989-1998)

Jo Marie Patton's "Harriette" wasn't always the warm & fuzziest. In fact her nasally "Carl" was often the tag line to many of her cop-husbands dumb escapades with nerdy neighbor Steve. But one this was clear, whether it was dealing with familial issues, defending her workplace right or simply being a concerned Black Woman, Mrs. Winslow always did it with poise, grace and respect.

4. CARMELLA SOPRANO (The Sopranos 1999-2007)
Talk about a "Ride or Die" chick! Carmella Soprano made no mistake where her allegiances lay. Even in the 4th season when she and mob boss husband Tony went through a separation, Carmella always had had his back against ANYONE. Including the FBI. and she kept that even hand with her over-indulged children Meadow & AJ.

3. ROSANNE CONNOR (Rosanne 1988-1997)
Now there was a woman with no pretense. You always knew where you stood with Rosanne. A working class mother to three of the whiniest, spoiled and annoying kids in Lansing Illinois, Rosanne was hands down the most apologetically realistic TV mom we've ever seen. Whether it was dealing with debt, her daughters delinquent boyfriends, her hapless sister or a cheating husband, Rosanne Barr's portrayal of the new American woman was one you found yourself laughing WITH rather than AT.

2. VIVIAN BANKS (The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air 1990-1996)
Now there's gonna be a slight controversy here: but to me Janet Hubert's delivery of Will's Aunt Viv will always be the classic one. Despite the infamous script disagreements and run-ins with the show's charismatic and big-eared star, Janet's portrayal of Vivian Banks the wife of well-to-do Judge Phillip Banks was always a strong believable character. And not to slight Daphne Reid, but Hubert's naturally tough exterior made you not only believe that she'd come from the same rough Phillie neighborhood as her latch-key nephew but you also understood her desire to stay connected with those working-class roots.

1. CLAIRE HUXTABLE (The Cosby Show 1984-1992)
Who didn't want Claire Huxtable as their mom? Whether you were Black, White, rich, poor, from a working class family or one struggling in the projects; there was a little bit in all of us that secretly wished we'd come home to find Claire perched on the couch working on some big case. Phylicia Rashad's poise, class and natural beauty made her an obvious choice for Bill Cosby when he made his now memorable casting choice for the lawyer wife to his OB-GYN character Heithcliff. But it was her hidden talents, the fact that she was fluent in Spanish, the product of several dance classes and her beautiful singing voice that helped to make her character warm and round. But don't be fooled, Claire was nobodies push-over. As TV land came into the 80's, they were coming out of an era where up until them Black women had been portrayed as domestics or blue collars and Mother's were house-wives or shrinking violets. But Claire changed the game. As a mother of five (yes 5), she ruled the roost with very stern but fair life lessons. And although many criticized the show for being too unrealistic, what they helped do, Heathcliff & Claire, was show America (not just White America but Blacks too) that people of color could grow up, graduate college, work hard and raise their family in the middle-class experience too. And for that this Cosby kid will forever remain grateful.