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Wednesday, May 28, 2008


SEX AND THE CITY: THE MOVIE preemed last nigth in NYC and errbody and their mama was there to see Carrie, Samatha, Miranda & Charlotte pick up four years later.
Sarah Jessica Parker redeemed herself from her riskay green choice at the films UK preem by rockin' what can only be described as the florr-length Grecian gown that set the nights biggest trend: Metallics.
I don't give a flyin' ish what Maxim says, without this chick or this character, half the skinny little heffas that the mens mag deems "Hot" would be running around dressing like Forever 21 rejects.
Kim Catrall is not sexy. Samatha has a sexiness to her but Kim Catrall IS NOT sexy. and this metallis disaster proves it.
Kirstin Davis played it safe with a Gold frock.
WHAT IS THIS Cynthis Nixon? You know power lesbians need stylist too dammit.

SATC newcomer JENNIFER HUDSON held her own with a gold fitted empire dress. The bob is hot and the shoes are banging. The look, while very fashion forward, was middle of the road by SATC standards.

Her black A-line afterparty frock worked SO much better for me.

I love the make up. And the bob looks really good on her.
MJB looked very flirty and cute in black & white.
And Kendu looked the perfect escort in a low-key blazer/jean combo.
I LOVE LOVE LOVE them together.
Yes, CHRIS NOTH (AKA Mr. Big) baby mama Tara Wilson, is a sista. BTW, I've got a weird story bout how I saw him in Hustler up on Sunset at like 8:30am on a Saturday morning buying porn. Now I know you're saying, "What were YOU doing in Hustler?" And the answer is, buying porn. No, I'm kidding, I was picking up a necklace while I waited for a table at Duke's across the street. Really.
Apparently MICHELLE rolled in after attending Usher's album relase party. And although she should've done a fit change, the dress is still bomb enough to work twice. Now...That being said, don't let me see this ish again.
Yeah but Gayle (also coming from Usher's diggs), not so much. This ish was horrible the first time.
LIL PLASTIC, I mean KIM rolled herself through. You should NEVER blend into the carpet.

I'm not gonna lit to you SATC's Jason Lewis (Rosario Dawson's ex) could certinly get it.

KID SISTER came through and although I know what she was going for, I HATE HATE HATE those shoes. They're just ugly. Perhaps is they under a pant but damn if this ish don't look sickening.