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Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Fellow Blogger Necole Bitchie sat in on T.I.'s talk to a group of Atlanta area kids, as part of his 'Community outreach absed" plea agreement:

Last week T.I visited a local YMCA in Atlanta and spoke in front of a class of about 20 students as part of a music producer workshop. Although, bloggers and media were not allowed in the building I crept my way in anyway as I was very interested in what kind of message T.I was spreading as a part of his community service. Surprisingly, when he entered the room, he jumped right into his delivery as if public speaking came as easy as writing rhymes.

T.I spoke with passion as he told the kids that they can not believe everything that they see in entertainment because it is far from reality. He compared it to being sold Filas in a Prada box stating “It’s up to you to determine what is real and what is being sold to you that is fake”. He also touched on his recent plea deal stating “People say it’s because I have money. People say it’s because I have good lawyers. What if I have God. This isn’t the worst that I’ve been through. People say I’m turning into a preacher. I’m not a preacher..but I do have a testimony” (my favorite part). He touched a little on gangs and how they don’t make sense before he closed out his message, telling the kids “You can learn two things from me; what to do and what not to do” with hopes that the youth would not only look at the positive things he has done but would also learn from the mistakes he made.

To read the rest of this fascinating account
