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Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Up until now I've been VERY quiet on this Tom Joyner/Tavis Smiley feud. I have met and spoken with tavis on several occassions and have heard his views at length on the state of black America. And I've just felt that the media was trying to make a bigger story here than there really was...

And then I happened to hear the audio from Tom's spat with Jay Anthony Brown from this mornings show. (Shout out to Ed The World Famous for the audio)

And now all I really have to say is this: Tom you get the BITCHASSNESS of the DAY AWARD

While I understand Tom's need to mourn the loss of Tavis Smiley's contribution to his show (he was a regular commentator for twelve years) what I don't understand is why Tom feels the need or thinks it's OK to continually openly speculate about Tavis' motives for leaving. ESCPECIALLY when Tavis has already said WHY he's leaving (BTW, Tavis got a new gig...A multi-million dollar gig. For more info CLICK HERE).

But Tom can't accept that. Tom has to make this personal. And continue to perpetuate this idea that Tavis is leaving because he "can't take the heat from the Obama kitchen." That's ridiculous.

What's EVEN more ridiculous is the fact that today, a full week after this all broke, Tom tried once again to smear a man who IS NOT on the show to defend himself and finally Jay Anthony Brown spoke up and said what I'm sure A LOT of folks are thinking, "What is the big deal?"

Now I'm no fan of Jay Anthony Brown. I personally think he's kinda....Anyways, I will say that he was in no way disrespectful, He was honest, direct and approached this conversation with the same level of passion that Tom expressed. But when faced with that question, to which Tom really couldn't give a concise or direct answer, Joyner did what we in the hood call, The Bitch Move:" he sent Jay Anthony, a grown ass man, home.


A man will defend himself until the end. But when you find yourself backed into a corner, you don't kick the other man in the balls. You fight it out. In other words, A REAL MAN will always respect his opponent. That doesn't mean you give up the fight, it means you respect the fact that the other man had the heart to stand and fight against you in the first place. DON'T EVER DO NO SHIT LIKE THIS AGAIN.

To listen to the audio CLICK HERE