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Wednesday, April 16, 2008


For those of you unfamiliar with these three, the dude is NE Patriot quarterback/superbowl chocker TOM BRADY. The chick is his GF Gisele Bunschen. And that's his son John. Now, here's where it gets a little tricky. See Lil John John's mother is Brady's ex actress/model Bridgett Moynahan (I Robot, Sex & the City). And as the story goes Brady dumped the pregnant Moynahan for Gisele. You followin' me?

Now if this was the hood, right bout now one of Bridgette's girls would be sending her a camera phone pic with the caption, "Girrrrl, you are not gone believe what I'm lookin' at right now."

This would be followed by a call from Bridgette to her Girl, and the subsequent conversation:

Bridget: Where'd you get THIS?

Girl: Girl, (smacks teeth) I'm lookin' at his bitch ass right now.

Bridget: I can't BELIEVE this mutha...

Girl: And girl she kisses all on lil' john john too...

Bridget: What?

Girl: and GIRL, he even told john john (lyin') to call her mommy Selley

Bridget: CALL HER WHAT? (Putting on her coat)

Girl: I know girl (Taking off her earrings) So what you wanna do, cause you know I'm down for whatever...

Bridget: I'm on my way (grabs keys)

Girl: Alright, that's what I'm talkin' bout. (Puts her hair in a ponytail) Chirp me when you get close... (hangs up) I never liked his ass anyway

And just like that, that's how ish gets started...