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Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Rival pols are demanding that Michael Misick, the prime minister of the Turks & Caicos and Mr. Lisa Raye, step down while allegations of sexual assault on an American woman are being investigated. And TMZ has learned that this charge isn't the first time that Misick's been in hot water on the island.

A well-placed source tells us that Misick has attracted unwanted attention for a variety of alleged misdeeds, including assaulting a fellow politician who tried to catch him playing when his staff said he was working. Misick has yet to be charged with any crime or wrongdoing.

Calls to his office have gone unanswered. I know Lisa-Raye (his wifey) is HOTTTT!


Boutique Mix Fashion said...

what is wrong with him? lisa will kick his rass!!!