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Wednesday, April 16, 2008


Thanks to J. Dakar for the story:

Two troopers claim their "KKK Photo" was just a joke.

The picture was snapped with a cell phone camera at the Sandusky post Jan. 20 -- the day before the national holiday honoring slain civil rights leader Dr. Martin Luther King.

Troopers Eric E. Wlodarsky and Craig T. Franklin, who were both on duty at the time, told an investigator the picture was taken as joke and modeled after a skit by comedian Dave Chappelle.

Wlodarsky, who snapped the photo, and Franklin, who dressed up in the racist garb, were both recommended for termination but were allowed to retain their jobs because of a collective bargaining agreement. Wlodarsky, who was demoted from sergeant to trooper, sent the photo to a third trooper, Sgt. Jason P. Demuth, who was given a one-daysuspension. Franklin was suspended for five days. Franklin and Wlodarsky must attend diversity awareness training.

For the rest of this story including the audio from the troopers disciplinary interview