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Monday, May 5, 2008

Last night the "Divas With Heart" Benefit Concert went down at Radio City Music Hall with performaces by the biggest Divas around...Patti, Gladys, Chaka & Diana all performed. Hmmm, all that's missing is Aretha. But rumor has it that her gravy pump was on the fritz and of course spagetti straps around the globe are on boycott. So she stayed home.

I know that was mean. I'm sorry. Kinda.

Looks like Lady Di was pullin out a little "Stop in the name of Love"
Oh Gladys, why must you consistantly wear trash bags?

And of course this will make the 3, 529th straight performance of Chaka Khans where she does her entire set as a pirate wench...
And then there's Patti, who continues to consistantly put every 60-something biddy to shame. GO HEAD PATTI PATTI!
Yo but careful with such a short skirt. Nobody wants to see your silver fox.

Proving she is indeed a diva who cares, Patti brought Sean Bells mother on stage for an uplifting moment.