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Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Soooo...Titans QB VINCE YOUNG went to a party the other night in Texas...And apparently had a little too much to drink and then got hot and decided to take his shirt off.

Well apparently he inspired som other drunk fools to do the same. And before you know it, there's a bunch of topless, sweaty dudes standing around, swaying back and forth.

Now take a second to look around, I'll wait.

Now riddle me this: Do you see ANY chicks in the background?

Nope, not here.

Not here either...

Vince, I'm gonna go ahead an warn you, you are aout 1 quart and 1 spin of the Lollipop remix away from loosing your inhabitions.

You've been warned...
Thanks to Blogxilla for the pics!


Marleaux said...

LMAO at the first pic. It looks like he's getting ready to turn into the crying/sentimental drunk.