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Tuesday, May 6, 2008


"She decided to have a gastric bypass operation, but then she decided not to tell anybody," Barbara says on today's Oprah show. "Then we had to lie on the set everyday because she said it was portion control and pilates. Well, we knew it wasn't portion control and pilates."

BARBARA WALTERS tells OPRAH WINFREY she knew STAR JONES (who in the above picture was seen last night with 'friend' Dr. Mark Lamont Hill) had gastric bypass surgery, but that she lied to keep it a secret because Star didn't want to talk about it.

"We in the audience knew too," Oprah says with a laugh. "We in the audience go, that's some damn pilates teacher!"

Star further distanced herself from viewers with her lavish wedding and later created a stir when she announced her departure live on "The View." The unrehearsed announcement threw the show into a state of shock and Star was asked not to return.
That ish is STILL funny.