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Monday, May 5, 2008

What's funny is I was JUST sayin' to my guy the other day, "Damn it's been a good munite since Ye threw a tantrum..." And thos was followed by a short trip down memory lane of our fav over-the-top MC'c most memorable tirades...

Well low and behold, what do we have here? Ye's throwing a tantrum, this time directed at EW and their lackluster review of his show.

(Sorry if I was late posting this; this weekend was dedicated to some long overdue bonding time with my nephew. Big ups to Te, the world's smallest Ike Turner impersonator.)

"Yo, anybody that's not a fan; don't come to my show. For what?! To try and throw ya'll two cents in? Ya'll rated my album shitty and now ya'll come to the show and give it a B+. What's a B+ mean? I'm an extremist. It's either pass or fail! A+ or F-! You know what, fuck you and the whole fucking staff!!! I know I shouldn't dignify this with a comment, but the reviewer threw a jab at all the artists. I just wanna know when was the last time you enjoyed yourself. If you can't have fun and lose yourself at this tour it's a good chance you're a very miserable person. I actually feel sorry for you guys. Your job forces you to not have fun anymore. Grab a drink, holla at some nice girls, and party bitch!! You don't know shit about passion and art. You'll never gain credibility at this rate. You're fucking trash! I make art. You can't rate this. I'm a real person. I'm not a pop star. I don't care about anything but making great art. Never come 2 one of my shows ever again, you're not invited and if you see me...BOW!! This is not pop, it's pop art!"

Dude is so brillantly out of control.